Our Story

Building a Future started in a college classroom where Jose Mahomar and Robert Furr joined forces to work on a school project that would eventually lead to establishing Building a Future as a 501c3 in 2007.

Since its inception, we’ve had a direct partnership with Jorge Mahomar, who has been a champion for children in Tegucigalpa, Honduras for more than 30 years. Jorge has helped establish around 20 centers around the city that benefit more than 800 people (70% who are children). The children who attend these centers are mostly at-risk youth who were part of the most notorious gangs in Central America called MS-13 and Mara 18.

Jorge spends most of his time in the streets “rescuing” these children from gang life, drugs and violence. He takes them to the centers for medical and psychological evaluation so they can undergo complete rehabilitation.

Building a Future is proud to be a part of this empowerment. Education, self-sustainability, and strong moral values are what we hope to inspire into generation and a country known more for its troubles than its rich culture and beauty.

Join us in our mission is to transform communities by promoting the educational and social development of underprivileged children in Honduras.